Scenes from the near future
Tachy Mora presents a perspective from the future, at Valencia
The exhibition “Scenes from the Near Future” presents a perspective on what our domestic environments will be like in ten years’ time. Futuristic spaces and designs, but not from a disruptive and utopian perspective, but from issues that have been on the table for decades and that until now had not been synchronized with a society as open to change and flexibility in the domestic sphere as the actual.
Curated by the journalist specializing in design, Tachy Mora, “Scenes from the Near Future” seeks to reflect the changes in lifestyle that we see today, taking into account contemporary social, technological and sustainability realities. Spaces, furniture, lighting and equipment worked around five concepts, which have been addressed for just a century in the world of design: Flexibility, multifunctionality, nomadism, modularity and sustainability. Five concepts that are not new, but that have to be reconsidered for a different scenario, that responds to new trends in lifestyles.
The exhibition will try to shape our future domestic spaces by alternating interior scenes (in the form of installations) with pieces created for the exhibition, which may be equipment, furniture or lighting, conceived by a series of designers, architects and manufacturers invited by the curator.
Among the design and architecture professionals who have participated are Arqueha, Cambres Design, Silvia Ceñal, Cierto Estudio, Clap Studio, Julia Esqué, Rocío Gambin, Alejandra Gandía-Blasco, Eli Gutiérrez, Marc Morro, Nahtrang, Oiko Design, Isaac Piñeiro, Jaume Ramírez and Raw Color.
The companies that have collaborated by promoting the project are: Actiu, A-Emotional Light, Arqueha, Asociación de Mobiliario de Cocina AMC, Estiluz, Expormim, Finsa, Gandia Blasco, Missana, Mobles 114, Momocca, Ondarreta, Sancal and Teulat.
Andreu World, AT4, Bitex, EcoCero, Emedec, Foster Spa, Gabriel, Gerflor, Greenarea, KriskaDecor, Logopost, Lzf lamps, Muji, Saxun, Simon, Somfy, Tarkett and Veo Veo participated as collaborating firms.
More information and imatges at Tachi Mora website.